Saturday, September 4, 2010

Alpine Skiing - food for ski days Endurance

Ski strong, remain mentally and have enough reserve power for the expert zones, you need to feed and hydrate your body throughout the day. In a day of all-terrain skiing, your body will burn 2000-3000 calories, depending on weight, the calories needed for normal body functions. The energy needs from the food we eat before, during or after skiing.

First, review the six essential elements of life. MoreWe will maximize our food a skier has his off-road performance, and when they eat and hydrate all day trying to resistance.

Forget the Atkins diet only protein that spending skiers of carbohydrates, the body burns fast and easy to stay strong and aware of these double-black-diamond slopes. But you also need protein for sustainable energy, and some fat. So, what we eat is key.

As a starter, let's look at sixEssential elements of life, and then calculate the calories burned by expert skiers all types of terrain in a typical day of skiing. Next, we see that food is the same need for skiers, so the calories lost. However, the right foods to eat, but at the wrong time of day actually detrimental to your strength. We discuss when and how to eat and hydrate, so you can optimize performance and improve your endurance.

Six essential elements of life

Thefive essential elements of life that must come from the food we eat are glucose from carbohydrates, amino acids for proteins and fats fats, vitamins and minerals. The sixth essential is not really a food but a liquid that is water. Well, let's look at six key details.


While carbohydrates most important energy source for skiers, many people have overlooked the need is to add protein. Protein has a time-release and remains in the systemFor a more sustainable energy supply. Without it, get tired easily. Proteins are one of the three basic calorie foods, provides carbohydrates and fat than others. Protein consists of amino acids, each of which has a different function body fuel.

For example, muscle proteins provide energy. Furthermore, since the muscle fibers of protein, they need protein for repair. Protein darn small muscle tears that occur naturally during intense exerciseLike skiing, it helps the muscles to function at their highest.


Fats are one of the three basic calorie foods, supplies carbohydrates and protein than others. Fat is a concentrated source of energy in the diet, the body more than twice the calories of carbohydrates or protein.


Carbohydrates are most important energy source for skiers because the direct supply of fuel and are one of three offers basic food calories, protein andFat of others. The digestive tract breaks carbohydrates into simple sugars, glucose enters the bloodstream and the body is the primary feedstock for energy.

Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and minerals regulate the metabolic processes of the body to make energy. In other words, it is necessary to create energy. This is why they are important. Most sports are agreed that vitamins and minerals are an important part of skiing strong. DuringIt may be tempted to use supplements, nutritionists recommend skiers look and simple vitamins minerals from the food we eat, which are generally more confident Than supplements and essential for an active lifestyle that includes skiing.


There is nothing more important for your body of water. But skiers largely ignored in favor of fluid intake on the slopes. Why? One of the reasons people do not want to take time from their cars through the hassle of stopping at the shelter, go to the waters. Break The fact is that while skiing, you can lose 1-2 liters of water per hour. If you do not replace, your heart has to work more to offset the lower volume of fluid in the body. This additional load can lead to rapid depletion, including seizures, loss of reaction time, coordination and strength.

The warmth of all-terrain ski Burn

The most significant aspect of a food is its calorific value, where calorie is a measure of energy producedfood, as they burned the body. First, find the number of calories you burn skier terrain, all in a typical day of skiing.

The average person is burning somewhere in the range 1500-2000 calories a day just from normal bodily functions, not skiing at all. A downhill skier burns approximately 120 calories per hour £ 342, £ 180 while a skier consumes about 510 calories an hour. If you think that five hours of ski days, the same £ 120 skiers1500 1710 = 3210 calories per day, whereas the same £ 180 skiers lost 2000 + 2550 = 4550 calories per day. We have not yet finished.

An all-terrain skier burns even more. Why? Expert ski areas requires greater expenditure of calories, so even more in moguls, trees have work, and steep slopes. Suppose that our skiers spend 40% of their time in the land above and the other 60% of the time on groomed trails. Suppose also thatSkiers burn 50% more calories per hour if they are in areas of experts. If you've ever spent a few hours of skiing a long, close and tycoons, think tree is a weighting factor of 1.50 is not out of line.

Our own 120 pounds for all land skier burns 1500 + [(0.4 x 5) X (1.50 x 342)] + [(0.6 x 5) x 342] = 3552 calories per day, while the that £ 180 all-terrain skier consumes an enormous 2,000 + [(0.4 x 5) X (1.50 x 510)] + [(0.6 x 5) x 510] = 5060 caloriesDay. No wonder that their bodies are crying for food. We use the above results in the next section, the caloric needs of all-terrain skiing.

The biggest concern for skiers is not an exaggeration, but not getting enough calories. Many fall into the trap of skiing through the food, which can be much worse than eating too much. Eating is a very important part of skiing, especially if you want to smoke the most experienced ski-in. If you do not eat regularly while you areSlopes, your body may not be able to replenish its storage of carbohydrates again. Your energy level will be dropped, and are more susceptible to injury. So all you can eat with enthusiasm. Here's what you need!

The caloric requirements of All-Terrain Ski


Protein is an essential element of life. But in the era of low-fat, high diets, most people, including skiers, are never enough. To ski your best time of recovery are excellent and a big, youenough protein in your diet. Complete animal protein sources are meat, fish, poultry and dairy products. Complete sources of vegetable protein have carrots, corn, cucumbers, potatoes, tomatoes, potatoes sweat peas and cabbage and soybeans. But how much protein is enough?

The average 120 pound man needs about 43 grams of protein per day, while the average 180 pound person needs about 65 grams of protein a day. These amounts are recommended daily allowancesfor people who are basically sedentary. Some nutritionists recommend skiers consume protein, 25 percent more than the recommended daily amount that may be more conservative. There are other experts who use the skiers up to twice as many suggest.

Take 25% increase in protein consumption for skiers and then apply a weighting of 75% for our all-terrain skiers. Our choice requires the same £ 120 down 43 x 1.25 = 54 grams of proteinper day, while the skier himself £ 180 has 65 x 1.25 = 81 grams of protein a day.

Now our demands £ 120 for all-terrain skiers about 54 x 1.75 = 95 grams of protein a day, and our £ 180 for all-terrain skier requires about 81 x 1.75 = 142 grams of protein per day. We know that there are about 4 calories per gram of protein, so that the protein requirement of 4 X 95 calories = 380 calories a day for our £ 120 all-terrain skier, and 4 x 142 days = 568 calories£ 180 for our all-terrain skiers.

By the way, there is no possibility of an overload of protein for skiing, all-terrain skiing is a sport with strong resistance, not to risk too much.


Most people believe, less fat is better, but now health experts say that eating too lean starve your muscles can, especially if you're a skier. The cold air produced by the body causes a rush of adrenaline that speeds fat metabolism, making it evenmore important to get enough. In order to consume the right amount of fat will help you stay warm and energetic on the slopes. How much and what type of fat should you eat?

Natalie Harris, a registered dietitian in Boulder, Colorado says: "Between 25-30 percent of total daily energy should be" should come from fat. Let the 25 percent for our purposes. We also know that burning our £ 120 for all-terrain skiers about 3,552 calories a day. Consequently, about 888 caloriesshould come from fats. Since there are 9 calories per gram of fat, 98 grams of fat is necessary for skiers. Even our consumes 180 pounds for all-terrain skiers about 5,060 calories a day, about 1,265 calories should come from fats. This requires skiers 140 grams of fat. What kind of fat we eat?

Just to avoid trans fats found in biscuits, crackers, chips, and margarine in stick form. Limit saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids third of your fat intake. Saturated fats are found inanimal products such as red meat, egg yolks, butter, lard, and shortening, as well as dairy products high in fats and tropical oils such as coconut oil, and fats are polyunsaturated oils vegetables, walnuts, Brazil nuts, pine nuts, and sunflower seeds. In the case of our skiers 120 pounds, which is about 0.33 x 98 = 32 grams of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, while our skiers about 180 g £ 0.33 X 140 = 46 should consume fats themselves.

Eat mostly monounsaturated fatty acids and omega-3 fatty acidsAcids. The balance, or 66% of fat intake should come from these sources. Monounsaturated fatty acids were canola and olive oils, olives, avocados, nuts, and most, including almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, pecans, cashews and pistachios. Sources of omega-3 fatty acids are fatty fish such as salmon, herring, sardines and dark green leafy vegetables, flaxseed and flax oil and soybean oil. If our skiers 120 pounds which is about 0.66 x 118 = 65 grams of monounsaturated fat andOmega-3 fatty acids, while our skiers 180 pounds should consume about 0.66 X = 92 g fat themselves.


As mentioned carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body, and the only source of glucose, which are used for fuel cells to the muscles, making the brain and nervous system. In addition, there are simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates. We will have to deal with both in this lesson.

Simple carbohydrates have fruit and fruitFruit juice, syrup, white sugar and brown, honey, soft drinks, sports drinks, chocolate, milk and yoghurt. Complex carbohydrates are potatoes, pumpkins, grains such as oats, barley, maize and rice, wheat and wheat products like bread, pasta, pancakes and cereals, fruits and vegetables. So how much carbohydrate to consume an expert skier to do?

We already know that burning our £ 120 for all-terrain skiers about 3,552 calories a day. We calculated thatabout 888 calories should come from fats, and another 380 calories from protein. That means 2284 calories from carbohydrates are eaten. Our £ 180 for all-terrain skier burns approximately 5,060 calories per day. This requires skiers 568 calories from protein, 1265 calories from fats, calories, and 3227 should be eaten from the sources of carbohydrates.

Moreover, since there are about 4 calories per gram of carbohydrate, are subject to our £ 120 all terrain skier about 540 gramsCarbohydrate per day, while our £ 180 all terrain skier has almost 765 grams of carbohydrates per day.

Vitamins and Minerals

In reality there is no need to do calculations for these groups. If you eat according to plan in the next section to be an adequate supply of vitamins and minerals also receive.


Skiers should drink at least 2 liters of water a day and avoid beverages containing caffeine. That is 8 x 8 fl oz glasses of water daily. Soundsplenty of water, right? Not really, if the following events.

There are several ways in which your body loses fluids while you are skiing. If you are really complex, you may not feel as if you sweat, but you are. The moisture evaporates from the body in the dry mountain air almost immediately. We also lose a lot of water in the cold just to breathe.

Among the sweat, respiration and urination is not uncommon to lose more than 4 percentYour total body weight, for a couple of hours of hard zones of experts, which is more than enough to be able to influence its performance. For our £ 180 all-terrain ski which is about 7 pounds of body weight. Since a gallon of water weights 10 pounds, almost 2.8 liters of water lost. For our skiers 120 pounds for all land, is about 1.9 liters of water.

But are you aware that what we drink is equally as important. Be careful to stay away from diuretics, asAlcohol or anything with caffeine. Your body also needs plenty of water for sugary beverages like soda, which may also contain caffeine, process and fruit juice. When you quench your thirst with each of these drinks, you can actually dehydration of the body. Be sure to drink extra water to compensate for it.

Spread the Food Around

Do you know roughly how many carbohydrates, proteins and fats that you eat every day need for perseverance in the areas of experts, but one question remains on the leftunanswered. What you need to consume at each meal? This fundamental question must be addressed as we accept the conclusions of the Food Guide, appears in the previous section.

The experienced skier does not skip a meal because he or she recognizes the consequences that may arise. Even if you made no meals, only a short lunch break will not cut either. Skiers must eat three square meals a day are on the slopes. The food in the previous section suggests08:00, 12.00 and 19.00 clock.

But how big should each meal? Conventional wisdom says that eating early in the day, as are found in more calories at lunch and dinner the following reasons:

Give your body the nourishment it needs if you need it
Prevent the accumulation of body fat, which happens when you sleep

The above can go for the sedentary population, whose only activity during the day is over, the water is cooler. But thisApproach is not taken into account, the time between digestion and absorption of nutrients. Moreover, the deposition of fat in the night for the good of all - skier terrain as he or she can in these fat reserves for energy, the kind used throughout the morning.

Most people do exactly the opposite. You eat for breakfast and light lunch and dinner as the throat. This method provides enough energy in the early morning hours, but not enough during the day.What is best for all-terrain skiers?

Actually a hybrid of the above methods is better. To provide all-terrain skiers, the key to the maximum amount of energy at times when it is the calorie consumption is the greatest. If you are in the moguls, trees, are steep and from 10.00 bis 11.00 am and 2.00 clock in the afternoon a 3:00 clock, these are the times when you need the more fuel for power and resistance . In other words, are the metabolic rateis the highest in this period. The secret lies in how the body digests are different combinations of foods.

An important point is that the digestion of food is a process that requires more energy than any other bodily function or physical activity, and you steal a lot of energy that is needed for skiing. The correct combination of food significantly improved your energy level. Here are the reasons?

The human body is not designed for more than one concentrated food in the DigestStomach at the same time. Bread, cereals, meat, dairy, legumes, and so on are all concentrated foods. All the food is not concentrated fruit or vegetable. Given this fact, the combination of proper diet is that you should not eat more than one concentrated food at once.

Fruit is not a food concentrate

Fruit requires virtually no energy to be digested, because the fruit does not digest, but it is through his stomach in thirty minutes or less. Moreover, fruitprovides your body with plenty of energy. As soon feel his way to the intestine is pushed in one hour after eating. If you are an employee, you will remain alert and tension throughout the morning. All-terrain skiers should start the morning with three pieces of fruit to about 7.30, but not enough energy to last until lunch.

Breakfast should be a properly combined meal, without meat

If the food is different from the fruit, dueCombined, it is completely digested in the stomach and the nutrients absorbed from the intestine and recovered the body as energy. The way to ensure this is a concentrated food at a time, not two. To the layman, a properly combined meal without meat is about 3 hours to get from digestion of use of the body. For skiers, with a higher metabolic rate, which should itself takes about two hours.

This is exactly what the expert skier to watch at 8:00 in the morning.A plate of pancakes with syrup and a side dish of whole wheat toast with jam. Or a big bowl of oatmeal with brown sugar and a side dish of whole grain bread with honey. This kind of breakfast, 90% carbohydrates, and have been combined as such. It's okay, other carbohydrates or a carbohydrate with a different strength to connect with starch.

Note the lack of ham, bacon, sausages and eggs, which are all proteins. Breakfast isYou need the clock pulse from 10.00 until lunch at 12.00 clock, and gets your body with enough energy in the early afternoon from 12.00 bis 14.00 clock.

Lunch should be a properly combined meal with meat

To the layman, a properly combined meal with meat takes about 4 hours to go from the use of digestive body. For skiers, with a higher metabolic rate, which should itself takes about two hours. This is exactly what the expert skier needs resistanceMid-afternoon.

A properly combined meal of meat with meat, chicken or fish with salad and / or raw vegetables. In other words, the combination of a concentrated food that contains meat, chicken or fish, protein, and not a concentrated food, which is the salad or raw vegetables.

Instead, it could with bread or pasta and butter together and eat a salad or raw vegetables, which is a combination of a concentrated food, in this case the bread orNoodles, which contains carbohydrates, foods and concentrated, which is the salad or raw vegetables. Since it has a high load of carbohydrates for breakfast, perhaps it would be better, with the first alternative and other protein-Stick to lunch, and some fat. The point is not to merge or mix proteins with carbohydrates at this time of day.

You may need to prepare this type of dining at home or in your home, and brown paper bag. And 'unlikely you will find the aboveCombination in a ski resort. Bring a dish of salmon, along with a green salad with olive oil. You could try two chicken breasts, and a bowl of raw carrots and celery sticks. You can eat a large piece of cold roast meat or a small steak, a salad with linseed oil. Lunch will kick in and give you the push you need about 2.00, only if you are back in the areas of experts. We must make sure your body with enough energy to 2.0016.00 clock.

Dinner is a meal combined false

Steak, potatoes, fish and rice, sausage and pancakes, chicken and pasta, bread and cheese, pasta and meatballs, and so have all meals false combined. It is a mixture of proteins and carbohydrates that the stomach can not handle the same time. The consequences for all-terrain skiers are twice.

First, it needs to reduce the consumption of calories from carbohydrates, proteins and fats increaseBalance the number of calories burned during the day. The only way to do this is to eat at least one meal a day combined incorrectly. At best, it is this blend of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and prefer during the day for dinner.

Secondly, although the evening and at night, periods of high activity, our all-terrain skier needs a lot this time of day, so there is enough energy for normal body functions during the night and eat a bit 'left fatrather than for use in the morning.

The fruit at 07:30 and will be included digest from 8:00 clock. Carbohydrates fruit will be burned first and in about 60 minutes. It 'a sufficient source of energy for skiers from 09:00 to about 10:00 clock, is the date on which all the carbohydrate breakfast kick-in. This is more or less than skiers start their day of skiing. Whence comes this energy?

The energy requirements of fat that comes from stored the previous night isDinner. Remember, this injustice combined meal takes about four hours to pass from the stomach into the intestine. If the meal is eaten at 7:00 clock in the intestine will be about 23.00 clock. It takes at least ten hours to make the food to the intestine for absorption. Some of carbohydrates and proteins from the dinner are converted into fat and stored to be used the next morning. If the skier's first race starts at 9:00 am, he or she must drawfrom the fuel stored for maintenance until more energy is available for breakfast.

Caustic Before Thirst

Do you know roughly how much water is needed every day to respond effectively to areas of experts, but some questions remain. When you should drink and how much you should drink water every time?

It takes about half an hour for the answer to the thirst for football in is aging, and even longer, the body gets used or dehydration. In other words, whenYou can get a desire to drink, can your body as much as 2 percent dehydrated, which may already have one liter of water or more resources. The point is not to become dehydrated at any time during the day. Just as you develop your food intake during the day, you should spread the consumption of water during the day.

Experts recommend about 16 ounces of water two hours before drinking any physical activity, the recommended 8 glasses or 2 fl ozbefore starting to ski in the morning. The food guide in the final section proposes a glass when you get up, followed by three pieces of juicy fruit, which you need the second glass of water supplies. You should then continue to drink during the day, before you get thirsty.

Some final thoughts

No need to count calories, as we did in this lesson. The calculations were performed to demonstrate the principles of proper combination of food and the need to balance the caloriesTo consume the calories you burn.

This food is for the therapy of all-terrain skiers, who spend up to two hours a day skiing moguls, trees and steep slopes, and the need to maximize performance and improve their resistance. If you lose this time experts in the areas, again cutting the calories you consume. Remember, this article provides recommendations in days, meant only for skiing.

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